Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Insane Labz I Am God

Science Behind I Am God – 

Like a madman in a laboratory, the founder of Insane Lab handcrafted this divine supplement to be the perfect pre-workout choice. Let’s breakdown the science behind this other worldly supplement.


Preparing your body for a workout goes beyond amping up your brain with stimulants. You need to provide your muscles with the right fuel to ensure next-level performance and results. Creatine monohydrate is the ideal pre-workout fuel for your muscles. Creatine converts into a compound called adenosine triphosphate, better known as ATP. During your workouts, your muscles need fast fuel, and that’s where ATP comes into play. Studies show that creatine supplementation can improve your maximum power output and performance by up to 15%. More weight being pushed and more reps being pumped out means better results


Commonly known as DMAE, this anti-aging compound is also a powerful pre-workout ingredient. DMAE can help your workout in two key ways: First, it’s considered a nootropic, or brain boosting supplement. It’s been suggested to play an important role in improving focus and memory. It’s also being considered as a natural preventative measure against Alzheimer’s disease. As a nootropic, DMAE can help you get in the zone during your workouts, improving your mind to muscle connection, which is key for hypertrophy. Second, DMAE can help to reduce the mental fatigue of your workout. We’ve all been at the halfway point with that temptation to throw in the towel early. DMAE helps to increase attention span and focus and many user reports echo the same benefit of feeling more connected to the workout, not mentally drained....................Read more

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